white mattress in sunlit room

What Is Mattress Off Gassing

In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, many of us meticulously choose organic foods, eco-friendly cleaning products, and natural skincare. However, there’s one big aspect of our daily lives that often goes overlooked but can significantly impact our health: our mattresses. Have you ever unpacked a new mattress only to be greeted by a strong, chemical odor? That’s the telltale sign of off-gassing, a phenomenon that can compromise the indoor air quality of your house and potentially harm your health. In this article, we’ll delve into what mattress off-gassing is, why it matters, and explore some alternative mattress brands that prioritize your health and comfort.

Off Gassing Definition

You might have heard the term off-gassing before and wondered what exactly it meant. Off-gassing refers to the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air from substances that are present in all sorts of household products, mattresses included. But because we spend so much time on our beds breathing deeply with our faces right next to the material, mattresses are of special concern. Most contain memory foam, adhesives, and fire retardants, which are common culprits for this phenomenon.

So, what’s happening on a chemical level? When you unwrap a new mattress, chemicals used in its production such as formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene and those making up the foam and synthetic materials, begin to emit VOCs that are released into the air. Off-gassing is a normal occurrence and is typically more noticeable during the first few hours to days after the mattress is unpacked, but it can continue at lower levels for years.

When we sleep on a newly purchased mattress, we inadvertently expose ourselves to these potentially harmful substances, which can be concerning for anyone striving to maintain a toxin-free living environment. And because of their small particle size, VOCs will easily spread throughout your home and can affect anyone in the house, not just those sleeping on the new bed.

woman asleep in bed

Why Is Chemical Off Gassing Bad?

The quality of the air you breathe in your home is crucial, and your mattress can play a bigger role in that than you might think. VOCs from off-gassing can compromise indoor air quality, which is where you spend a significant portion of your day. Particularly for those concerned with green living, the environmental aspect can’t be ignored either. Mattresses with high off-gassing potential can contribute to the accumulation of pollutants in our environment, complicating the push towards healthy living spaces.

At first, the smell might just be an annoyance or even cause minor irritations like headaches or a sore throat, but prolonged exposure to VOCs and other chemicals emitted by mattresses has been linked to various health issues, including respiratory problems, headaches, dizziness, and allergic reactions. Sensitive populations, including children, the elderly, and those with existing health conditions, are particularly vulnerable.

It’s not all doom and gloom though—you can take steps to safeguard your health by making informed choices about the products you bring into your home. Identifying if your mattress is off-gassing can sometimes be as simple as using your nose. That ‘new mattress smell’ can be a telltale sign. This isn’t about fearing all new mattresses, but it’s about choosing ones with minimal off-gassing potential. In the next section, I’m going to walk you through some options for mattresses that aim for a cleaner, healthier sleep.

man sitting on organic mattress

Opt for Safety: Non-Toxic Mattress Brands

It’s good that you’re considering the importance of a clean sleeping environment, so let’s talk about how you can ensure your bedroom is free from harmful chemicals. Choosing the right mattress is a significant step toward healthier sleep. Keep reading as we highlight some mattress brands that have made a commitment to producing non-toxic products.

First up, let’s look at brands known for using natural materials, such as organic cotton, natural latex, and untreated wool. These materials are not only renewable and eco-friendly, but they also minimize off-gassing. Brands like Naturepedic, Avocado Green, My Green Mattress and Saatva offer mattresses that use such materials and boast certifications like GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and GOLS (Global Organic Latex Standard).

With a rise in organic mattress brand options, you can now find a mattress without harmful chemicals that also provides different levels of comfort and support for a good night’s sleep. Each brand features a range of products designed to meet different sleep preferences, from firm to plush options.

Non-Toxic Organic Mattress Brands

  • Naturepedic: Naturepedic mattresses are certified organic and made with organic cotton, latex, and wool. They are free from harmful chemicals, flame retardants, and allergens, providing a safe and healthy sleep environment for the whole family.
  • Avocado Green Mattress: Avocado mattresses are handcrafted in the USA using organic certified materials, including organic latex, wool, and cotton. They are Greenguard Gold certified, indicating low chemical emissions, and offer excellent support and comfort for a restful night’s sleep.
  • My Green Mattress: My Green Mattress offers a range of organic mattresses made with natural latex, organic cotton, and eco-friendly materials. Their mattresses are free from polyurethane foam, flame retardants, and chemical additives, making them a safe and eco-conscious choice for conscious consumers.
  • Saatva: Saatva prioritizes the use of eco-friendly materials in their mattresses, including organic cotton, natural latex, and CertiPUR-US® certified foams. Their commitment to sustainability extends to their manufacturing processes, with a focus on reducing environmental impact and promoting responsible sourcing practices.

Lastly, remember that investing in a mattress shouldn’t just be about cost or convenience. It’s a big investment into long-term health benefits and creating a healthy home environment. Even if your chosen mattress might have a higher price tag, consider what your well-being is worth and don’t skimp.

close up of mattress and pillow

Tips For Preventing Mattress Off Gassing

If you can’t swing the purchase for a fully organic mattress option, there are some things you can do to mitigate your exposure to VOCs from new bed.

  1. Air out the mattress: Before using the mattress, allow it to air out in a well-ventilated area for at least a few hours to several days. Remove any plastic packaging and open windows or use fans to promote airflow, which can help dissipate the odor and VOCs more quickly.
  2. Use a mattress protector: Consider using a breathable mattress protector made from natural materials to create a barrier between you and the mattress. This can help reduce direct contact with off-gassing chemicals while still allowing airflow.
  3. Wash bedding regularly: Wash your sheets, pillowcases, and mattress protectors regularly to remove any dust or particles that may have accumulated on the surface of the mattress. This can help minimize exposure to off-gassing chemicals that may have settled on the bedding.

By following these tips, you can minimize exposure to off-gassing chemicals when purchasing a new mattress and create a healthier sleep environment for yourself and your family. Prioritize mattresses made from natural and organic materials, and take proactive steps to mitigate off-gassing effects during the initial use. And say goodbye to mattress off-gassing and hello to a restful, toxin-free night’s sleep!

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